Phase 4
Children entering phase 4 will know the 44 phonemes, and be able to blend phonemes to read CVC words and segment CVC words for spelling. They will have some experience in reading two-syllable words and captions. They will know letter names and be able to read and spell some tricky words.
The purpose of phase 4 is to consolidate children’s knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling words containing adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words.

In week 5, children will learn a series of suffixes including s/es, ing, ed, er, est, although these are already decodable, they will help children whilst reading, and also link to the KS1 national expectations.
The purpose of phase 4 is to consolidate children’s knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling words containing adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words.
Each week of our phase 4 phonics scheme comprises of 5 lessons that follow the four part lesson sequence suggested in the Letters and Sounds framework.
Each lesson will develop the skill of reading and writing words with adjacent consonants and reading polysyllabic words, incorporating them into sentences with the sounds and tricky words learned in phases 2 and 3.
There are 5 weeks in total for phase 4, after which we recommend moving onto our phase 5 phonics programme.
Join Time for Phonics today to access our unique phonics scheme, supporting resources and much more!