Time for Phonics – a Validated Scheme
You’re in good hands with our DfE validated, Letters and Sounds aligned, systematic synthetic phonics programme

Time for Phonics' Validated Scheme
DfE validated, Letters and Sounds aligned systematic synthetic phonics programme
What's Included?
- Online, on-demand training and live webinars to help teachers develop phonics knowledge and make the most of the programme.
- Weekly and daily phonics planning featuring the 4-part lesson structure.
- Letters and Sounds aligned planning and resources, following the same progression.
- Phonics Screening Check Resources.
- A complete set of decodable texts, printable mini-books and reading comprehensions
- Structured intervention programme for the lowest 20% of pupils, including accompanying resources.
- Coverage of Phases 1-5, with fresh inspiration and a multi-sensory approach.
- Daily lesson presentations in some phases that cover the revisit, review and teach element.
- Interactive online resources that cover both blending and segmenting skills. Can be used on all devices.
- Includes all accompanying printable phonics resources, including flashcards, friezes, posters, games and activities.
- Guided reading resources.
Time for Phonics is part of Espresso, the Learning Platform Catering for All Your Teaching Needs
Explore Our Phonics Phases

Our Phase 1 planning is perfect for key group teaching or an impromptu session when you have a spare 10 minutes. The easy-to-read plans require minimal resources, if any at all, and can easily be used by every staff member.
Aspects are introduced and practised in a carefully planned, non-linear manner, so children are continually reintroduced to all the essential skills that make up the foundation of phonics learning.
- Allow: 25 weeks
- Sounds: Aspect 1, Aspect 2, Aspect 3, Aspect 4, Aspect 5, Aspect 7

Discover Phase 2 phonics activities, worksheets, videos and handwriting resources. Our ideas are low-prep, enjoyable and fun for all and can be delivered by both a classroom teacher or teaching assistant to smaller groups. All of the phase 2 phonics resources are included in each daily lesson, to be downloaded as and when you need them to save you time.
Each week comprises of 5 lessons that follow the four-part lesson sequence suggested in the Letters and Sounds framework.
- Allow: 6 weeks - 30 lessons
- Sounds: a, b, c, ck, d, e, f, ff, g, h, i, k, l, ll, m, n, o, p, s, ss, t, u

Letters and Sounds Phase 3 aligned planning and resources are designed to help you save time and teach phonics like a specialist.
Children entering Phase 3 will know around 19 letters and be able to blend phonemes to read VC words and segment VC words to spell. While many children will be able to read and spell CVC words, they all should be able to blend and segment CVC words orally.
- Allow: 10 weeks - 50 lessons
- Sounds: ai, air, ar, ch, ear, ee, er, igh, j, ng, oa, oi, oo, or, ow, q, sh, th, ur, ure, v, w, x, y, z, zz

Children entering Phase 4 will know the 44 phonemes and be able to blend phonemes to read and segment CVC words for spelling. They will have some experience in reading two-syllable words and captions and will be able to read and spell some tricky words using letter names.
The purpose of Phase 4 is to consolidate children’s knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling words containing adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words. They will start to combine their phonics skills to read and write sentences.
- Allow: 5 weeks – 20 lessons
- Covers: Adjacent consonants, CCVC, CVCC, Phase 3 graphemes, Phase 3 phonemes, Polysyllabic words

Most children entering Phase 5 should be able to read and spell words containing adjacent consonants (2 or more consonants that are next to each other in a word) and some polysyllabic words (words that have 2 or more syllables).
- Allow: 21 Weeks – 105 lessons
- Covers: Alternative spellings and pronunciations
Join Time for Phonics today to access our unique phonics scheme, supporting resources and much more!